Cash Application

Cash Application Module

Cash Deposit Data Entry

This function allows you to deposit cash/cheque into any bank of any currency. Unlimited accounting entries for detailed explanation. Cheque duplication check will be performed except for the petty cash, Giro and other direct debiting transaction. Accepts long transaction description up to 40 characters for each accounting entry.

At the end of the entry, the system will automatically print a deposit voucher with a system generated voucher#. You are no longer required to issue a receipt voucher for each transaction now. This will eliminate the time taken to issue voucher and to keep track on the voucher#.

Cash Withdrawal Data Entry

This function allows you to withdraw cash/cheque from any bank of any currency. Unlimited accounting entries for detailed explanation. Cheque duplication check will be performed except for the petty cash, Giro and other direct crediting transaction.

At the end of the entry, the system will automatically print a payment voucher with a system generated voucher#. You are no longer required to issue a payment voucher manually now. This will eliminate the time taken to issue voucher and to keep track on the voucher#.

Fund Transfer Data Entry

This function allows you to transfer fund from one bank to another. No restriction to the currency for the withdrawal bank or receiving bank. Accept bank charges during the transfer process. Bank charge can be born by either the withdrawal bank or receiving bank.

At the end of the transfer, the system will print a payment voucher with a system generated voucher#. If bank charge is absorbed by the receiving bank, a Payment Voucher for the bank charge will also be printed.

Recurring Withdrawal function

All payments which recur every month can be entered into database and let the system automatically generate a Payment Voucher on a monthly basis. This will eliminate the time spent in recurring data entry, it will also ensure that payment will not be overlooked.

The recurring payment transactions can be Phone bill, Water bill, electrical bill, loan repayment, Transport claims, CPF deduction, GST, income tax, property tax etc.

Bank Reconciliation Data Entry

Easy and Convenience bank recon facility allows you to reconcile your bank status in a much faster way. By a click of a button, you will be able to clear or un-clear all cheques for a selected bank within a selected period. You can also select to clear/unclear individual cheque by right click on the transaction. The book balance is computed immediately while you perform reconciliation.

Payment Voucher Printing

The automatic printing of deposit and payment voucher will eliminate the time taken to issue voucher and to keep track on the voucher#.

Integration with Receivable and Payable modules

All money transacted via Receivable and Payable modules will be integrated into the Cash application module to provide an instant bank status for up-to-time information.

Integration with Order Entry module

Cash received from the Customer during the Order entry are deposited directly into the bank with detail transaction for audit support purpose.

Integration with Purchase Order module

Cash paid to the supplier during the Purchase Order entry are deducted from the bank with detail transaction for audit support purpose.

Integration with G/L module

All deposit, withdrawal, bank charges and exchange gain/loss will be posted to G/L module.

User log

All transaction entered are logged with the user-ID and the date/time of the data entry done for management review.


The bank status inquiry allows you to view the cash position of each bank with 3 years of historical information supporting the cash movement.


There are many reports available for management usage. Some of the reports are as follow:

  • Bank status summary report
  • Bank status report with detail transaction movement
  • Bank forecast report
  • Bank reconciliation report
  • Deposit audit list
  • Withdrawal audit list
  • Un-presented cheque list