Remote Backup Solution

Remote Backup Solution

With the increase of malware and ransomware attacks taking place in 2016 and 2017, many companies are implementing solutions to protect their data. While it is good to protect your networks from such attacks, no form of protection is 100% fool proof. In the event of an attack, what can you do to recover from it without losing all that precious data or paying for the “ransom”? One of the best ways to recover from an attack is to make sure that you have a reliable and retrievable backup that is stored in a remote server out of your office network.

Q1. I already have a backup in my office. Am I safe?

Many companies backup their data ONSITE in the network share. However since network shares appear as mapped drives in the computer, they are also vulnerable to ransomware infection. Hence ONSITE backup of data is insufficient protection against Ransomware attacks. However, if the backups are done OFFSITE and not directly connected to the desktop system, then there is a higher degree of data security.

Q2. My IT vendor says that I have a scheduled backup everyday. Should I be worried?

It is good that you have a backup to start with. However, it is also important to know if that backup data is safe, available or “restorable” in the event of a data breech. In addition, how long will it take to restore the data and is anyone in the company assigned to make sure that the backups are indeed running everyday?

Q3. What does the InfoMaster Remote Backup Solution include?

The InfoMaster Remote Backup solution does just what it says. It backs up your InfoMaster data daily to a remote server. In an event where you internal networks, PCs and servers are infected, the remote data will still be safe from the attack. It includes the following services:-

  • Daily scheduled backup of InfoMaster programs and database to a remote (OFFSITE) location in Singapore
  • Daily monitoring of backups to ensure that they are complete and recoverable
  • Last 30 days of data will be kept for retrieval purpose
  • Last 12 months  of month end data will be kept for retrieval purpose
  • Data restoration services for disaster recovery purpose This service will provide your company with a peace of mind knowing that the InfoMaster ERP data is secure in a remote location, monitored daily and can be retrieved during unforeseen events.

Q4. How do I subscribe to this service?

This is a monthly service and is renewable on a yearly basis. Please feel free to call us at 67475665 or email to us at [email protected] for more information on the service.