Why should I consider migrating my on-premise data to cloud?
Consider the following:-
- It is estimated that by 2020, more than one-third of data will pass through the cloud.
- Data volumes are exploding as more data has been created in the past 2 years than in the entire previous history of the human race.
What does all this mean?
Cloud services will become the common median and interface to share, access and store data. Data accessibility is no longer a “nice to have” but has become the “must have” for companies to compete locally and globally.
What are the benefits of cloud migration?
- Lower infrastructure costs
- Lower server hardware, software and IT equipment costs
- Maintain current and updated IT equipment
- Reduce need to upgrade server hardware
- Reduce incidence due to hardware failure
- Disaster recovery security
- Prepare for future and growing needs
- Increase business agility and remote accessibility
But is Cloud secure?
There are many myths relating to cloud security. The most basic myth is that cloud is inherently insecure and that an on-premise server locked in the server room is more secure. However, the recent Ransomware attacks in 2017 have proved that on-premise servers are no less vulnerable to attacks than cloud servers. In fact, many of the data breaches that have taken place over the last 5 years from Sony to Target have been from internal and not cloud based databases. The basic underlying problem with this myth is that security is really dependent on the provider that makes it secure.
How could an on-premise server be less secure? Firstly, it may not be patched regularly. Secondly, there might not be any dedicated individual to ensure that the security loopholes in the network are plugged or monitored for data breeches and vulnerabilities. In addition to that, there might also not be any network security policies in place. Hence this really creates a false sense of security.
On the other hand, cloud providers like Dropbox and Microsoft take huge efforts to secure their environments in a way that the average company could never do. They eat, live and breathe network security while the average company may not even list network security as their core competency. A good illustration would be the commercial banks. Putting data in the cloud is like putting money in the bank. Would we say that the money is safer in our homes tugged away in a tin can in the store room or in the bank? When banks first came on the scene, many people would not feel safe leaving their money in the bank and would rather leave it at home. However, today, we do not blink an eyelid when it comes to putting money in the bank. It has become so commonplace. In fact, we have come to realize that the banks will do a better job with physical security then the lock and key we have to our homes. The same can be said of cloud providers who invest their resources on cloud network security.
Does this means that Cloud is totally secure?
Well actually, nothing in this world is totally secure. Its a calculated risk that you have to take with any form of data storage that you are using. One of the weakest links in security is still the password and that is something that each company has to enforce with either cloud or on-premise systems. You will also need to compare the expertise of the cloud provider as compared to your internal IT department and determine who will come out stronger on network security.
How do cloud providers keep our data safe?
The most common method is by encrypting your data as it resides on the cloud storage and as it is in transit. Other methods include data backup at scheduled intervals and even off-site backups to a desired location of your choice. All this depends on how you as the customer want to protect your data and how many layers of protection you need. In more secure environments, data can also be split into chunks or blocks and encrypted and stored in different locations worldwide. The data can only be compromised if someone managed to steal all the encrypted blocks and piece them together. But this would be very difficult to execute. Two-factor authentication is also encouraged as a means to increase password and access security.
Where is all the data stored?
All major cloud providers offer a number of data centres worldwide. Data can also be replicated with High Availability solutions so that if one copy of data is destroyed in an earthquake in one country, your data is still safe.
How can I know if my data can be moved to the cloud?
Please give us a call at +65 6747 5665 (Press 1 for the Sales Team) and we can schedule and appointment to meet up to understand your current and future needs. You can also email to us from this link.